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8 Bad Eating Habits for Diabetics

In addition to the types of food and the overall volume, it’s also important to make sure that you’re aware of the timing and...

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Tags: Diabetes Awareness, Diabetes Blog, Patient,

Fall Footcare Tips
Billy Kanter, CPED By Billy Kanter, CPED On September 15, 2016

Fall Footcare Tips

By forgoing socks, donning flip-flops, or simply going barefoot, Summer was the time to free our feet from their year-long...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care, Diabetes Blog, Patient,

3 Exercises for Reducing Heel Pain

Heel pain is fairly common, and can be a result of many different issues or conditions. Nonetheless, regardless of what is...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care, Patient, Lifestyle

Best At-Home Workout for Type 2 Diabetes

Exercise is an important part of every type 2 diabetes management plan. Fortunately, it’s not impossible for you to include...

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Tags: Diabetes Awareness, Diabetic Shoes, Diabetes Blog,

Exercises and Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the medical term for inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the connective tissue that runs along the...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care, Patient, Lifestyle

Diabetic Recipe: Healthy Shrimp Scampi

Looking for a healthy take on a comfort food favorite? How about a diabetic recipe: healthy Shrimp Scampi with Linguine? All you...

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Tags: Patient, Recipes