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Learn The Early Stages of Diabetic Feet Complications

It’s important for individuals with diabetes to become vigilant about foot health. Diabetes isn’t just about managing your...

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Tags: Diabetes Awareness, Diabetic Foot Care, Anodyne Blog

Ways To Protect Your Feet During Winter

People with diabetes must make serious lifestyle changes during the winter that other people don't have to worry about. Luckily,...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care, Anodyne Shoes

Tips for Preventing Bunions!

Bunions are a painful condition many adults deal with and individuals with diabetes are especially susceptible to them. It’s...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care

Does Exercise Help Diabetic Foot Pain?

Are you experiencing foot pain and want to learn how to decrease it? If so, this is for you. Diabetic foot pain isn’t pleasant,...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care

What Are Diabetic Shoes?

One of our most frequently asked questions is, “What are diabetic shoes and what makes a diabetic shoe different the average...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care, Diabetic Shoes, Diabetes Blog,

Why Diabetic Foot Exams Are Important

Providers, are you educating your patient with reminders? Patients, are you getting reminders? Below is why diabetic foot exams...

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Tags: Diabetic Foot Care, Diabetic Shoes, Practitioner,