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Foot Massage for Diabetic Neuropathy

Posted by Billy Kanter, CPED on Apr 12, 2016 8:55:11 AM
Billy Kanter, CPED
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Foot Massage

Knowing how to receive a foot massage doesn’t take much. However, knowing how to give a good foot massage takes a little bit of skill. As a diabetic, foot pain and swelling is unfortunately common. After a long day, a nice and simple foot massage can get you back on your feet feeling refreshed. 

Here are 5 easy steps for giving the best foot massage for diabetic neuropathy –

Step 1:

Place a pillow on your lap and cover it with a hand towel. Now rest the right foot on the pillow. Slide your palm under the foot and support the heel with one hand. Use your other hand to gently rotate the foot, three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

foot_massage.jpgStep 2:

Return the foot to your lap. Now put a dollop of moisturizer on each of your thumbs before placing them at the center of the arch. While applying light pressure, rub silver-dollar-size circles—your right thumb moving clockwise and your left counterclockwise. Do this for 30 seconds.

Step 3:

Use your thumb and index finger to lightly squeeze each of the toes, beginning with the big toe and ending with her pinkie. Then use just your thumb to make small clockwise circles beneath each toe for 10 seconds, starting with the pinkie and working back up to the big toe.

Step 4:

Starting at the ball of the foot, make circles with your thumbs (right clockwise, left counterclockwise), and move down, adding pressure as you near the heel. Finish up by using your thumb and middle finger to gently squeeze the hollow area below the ankle for 10 seconds.

Step 5:

Repeat with left foot.

Easy, right? Feel free to add your own variations, but this is definitely a great foundation. After your massage, you'll want to try out our men's and women's diabetic shoes to provide you that extra relief throughout your day.

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Topics: Diabetic Foot Care, Patient, Lifestyle

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