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5 Morning Routines to Control Type 2 Diabetes

Posted by Will Knight on Aug 15, 2016 9:38:36 AM
Will Knight

diabetes_morning_routine.jpgControlling Type 2 diabetes can be a daunting task that can easily be pushed aside by the stresses of everyday living. You must have will power to control glucose levels and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s take a look at 5 things that will help you get on that path to future good health.

  1. Use your glucometer.

The information you receive each time that you check your glucose level is incredibly valuable. It can help you plan the rest of your day by adjusting your meals and exercise plans accordingly.  It can also provide your health care provider with important facts that will help them adjust your diabetes care plan. If you don’t currently check your glucose levels, ask your health professional for guidance in frequency of testing and recommended ranges.

  1. Take a walk.

For many people, the morning offers the best time of the day to fit in an exercise routine.  Check with your health professional to get help for planning an ideal regimen. Exercise helps lower glucose levels by making your cells more sensitive to your own insulin.  If you need some motivation to stick with your routine, ask a friend to join you.

  1. Eat breakfast.

Did you know that your first meal of the day can help prevent highs or lows later in the day?  Having a balanced breakfast including protein and moderate amounts of proper carbohydrates can help stabilize glucose levels and keep sugar cravings at bay for later in the day.  Many types of glucose lowering medications work more efficiently when meals and snacks are spaced evenly throughout the day.

  1. Check your feet.

diabetic_diet_plan.jpgInspect your feet each day for small cuts, blisters, sores and other problems.  Make sure your doctor is aware of any issues you may be having with your feet so they can make sure these places heal properly.  Ask your health professional for foot care tips to help keep your feet in good shape. They may also recommend diabetic shoes to help protect your feet.

  1. Plan your day.

Taking just a few minutes each day to plan out your meals is one of the keys to success.  Think about your options for meals you can have away from home. (You can do this during your morning walk.) Go online and check the carbs in your favorite restaurant meal so you know ahead of time what to choose.  You might also use this time to pack a healthy lunch and include a few snacks for later.

Take charge of your diabetes by tweaking your morning routine to include a few things that will take only a little time to complete.  Taking good care of yourself will yield health benefits that can pay off for not only you, but your loved ones as well!


Topics: Patient, Lifestyle

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