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Skeptical About Custom Insoles? Read This First

Custom insoles, also known as orthotics, are often recommended by podiatrists and other healthcare professionals to address a...

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Tags: Anodyne Blog, Custom Inserts, Lifestyle,

Toe Plug vs. Toe Filler: What’s the Difference?

In our industry, toe plugs and toe fillers are frequently mixed up. Reading Medicare definitions can not only lead to confusion,...

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Tags: Diabetic Shoes, Anodyne Blog, Practitioner,

Anodyne Custom Insert Scanner App Update

The newest iteration of our 3D foot scanning app using the Structure Scanner by Occipital is here. Having been at the forefront...

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Tags: Anodyne Scanner, Practitioner, Custom Inserts

2020 Diabetic Shoes and Orthopedic Inserts Medicare Reimbursement Rates

Medicare reimbursement rates tend to change year after year and we wanted to give you a clear snapshot of what the differences...

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Tags: Practitioner, Custom Inserts

Custom Orthopedic Inserts for Diabetic Shoes

With our full service laboratory, we have the capability of providing a 100% custom, accommodative product. Feet come in all...

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Tags: Practitioner, Custom Inserts, Patient