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What Should You Eat?

Posted by Lindsey Kanter, RDN on Sep 11, 2019 8:43:02 AM
Lindsey Kanter, RDN
 What Should You Eat

Living with diabetes can make life complex. Learn the number one nutrition suggestion to improve your health on a day-to-day basis.

Do you live with diabetes and still wonder what you're "supposed" to eat? You're not alone. More than 30 million Americans live with diabetes (both diagnosed and undiagnosed), yet navigating the way through each and every suggestion can be tiring - which is why we are here. Anodyne has partnered with a local Registered Dietitian to give you the NUMBER ONE thing you can do to improve your nutrition. We want to work together to provide suggestions and products to make your life of living with diabetes that much more fulfilling.
So...what should you eat if you have diabetes? Simple - A variety of foods! Eating a balanced diet, in addition to proper medication and physical activity can help manage your diabetes. Lindsey K, a Registered Dietitian, provided her top 5 suggestions as to what you should be putting in your body.
1) Eat a Variety of Foods - Choosing foods from every food group helps balance blood sugar levels to avoid highs and lows.
2) Watch Portions - As a diabetic, it is important to spread out your carbohydrate intake evenly throughout the day to avoid radical fluctuations and shifts in blood sugar levels.
3) Avoid Skipping Meals - Believe it or not, low blood sugar levels can be as dangerous as the highs. Consistent meal and snack times can help avoid the variability.
4) Make Half Your Plate Fruits and Veggies - Both fruits and vegetables are filled with fiber, vitamins and minerals which are vital for your health. 
5) SIT DOWN! - This may seem like a joke, but it's not. Sitting down while you eat helps put your body in a relaxed state, leading to more mindful eating.
Reach out to Anodyne and let us know if you have any questions! Consulting a registered dietitian can help with personalized meal plans to manage your diabetes.



Topics: Diabetes Blog, Diabetes Diet, Patient, Lifestyle

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