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What Is PAD and How Can It Affect Your Feet?

Posted by Billy Kanter, CPED on Jan 31, 2024 10:30:00 AM
Billy Kanter, CPED
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Forget lurking monsters under the bed, the real threat to your feet might be closer than you think. Peripheral artery disease (PAD), often dubbed "poor circulation," lurks silently, slowly stealing the essential blood flow your feet need. This seemingly innocuous condition can have crippling consequences if left unchecked, transforming a brisk walk into a painful ordeal and jeopardizing your mobility and even your limbs.

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Peripheral Artery Disease: The Silent Thief of Circulation Threatening Your Feet

Unmasking the Culprit: What is PAD? PAD is a chronic circulatory disorder that affects the arteries supplying blood to your legs and feet. It's primarily caused by the build-up of fatty deposits called plaque inside the arteries, a process known as atherosclerosis. This plaque narrows the arteries, restricting blood flow and oxygen delivery to your lower extremities.


A Tale of Two Symptoms: Claudication and Rest Pain

While PAD can be asymptomatic in its early stages, it often announces its presence through two tell-tale symptoms:

    • Claudication: This is the classic PAD symptom, a cramping or aching pain in your legs, thighs, or buttocks that occurs with activity, like walking or climbing stairs. The pain typically eases with rest and returns upon resuming activity. It's like your legs are begging you to take a break!
    • Rest pain: In advanced PAD, the blood flow deficit becomes so severe that pain can even occur at rest, especially at night. This excruciating pain, often described as burning or throbbing, can significantly disrupt sleep and quality of life.


Beyond Pain: The Devastating Consequences of Untreated PAD

Ignoring PAD's cries for attention can have serious repercussions:

    • Skin Changes: Poor circulation can lead to pale, cool, and dry skin on your feet and legs. Hair loss and brittle nails can also occur.
    • Foot Ulcers: Chronically low blood flow makes healing difficult, and even minor cuts or blisters can develop into chronic, non-healing ulcers. These foot ulcers are highly susceptible to infection and can significantly increase the risk of amputation.
    • Gangrene: In severe cases, the lack of oxygen-rich blood can lead to tissue death, a condition called gangrene. This, unfortunately, often necessitates amputation to prevent life-threatening infections.
    • Increased Heart Attack and Stroke Risk: PAD is a powerful predictor of cardiovascular issues. The underlying atherosclerosis affecting your leg arteries often affects other arteries too, putting you at higher risk for heart attack and stroke.


The Good News: Taking Control of Your Feet and Your Health

The good news is that PAD is a manageable condition. Early diagnosis and intervention can halt its progression and prevent complications. Here's how you can be the hero of your feet's story:

    • Know Your Risk: If you are over 50, have diabetes, smoke, have high blood pressure or cholesterol, you are at increased risk for PAD. Get screened if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above.
    • Lifestyle Modifications: Quit smoking, manage your blood sugar and cholesterol, maintain a healthy weight, and engage in regular physical activity to improve circulation.
    • Medical Management: Depending on the severity of your PAD, your doctor might prescribe medications to improve blood flow or even recommend minimally invasive procedures to open up clogged arteries.
    • Foot Care Vigilance: Regularly inspect your feet for any changes in skin color or texture, and meticulously care for any cuts or scrapes to prevent infection. Wear comfortable shoes with good support and avoid constricting footwear.


A Step Forward: Embracing PAD Awareness and Prevention

PAD is not a silent stalker you have to fear; by understanding its nature, recognizing its signs, and taking proactive steps, you can transform it into a manageable companion on your health journey. Remember, your feet are the foundation of your mobility and independence. Prioritize their well-being, and don't let PAD steal the joy of a brisk walk or a spontaneous dance. Choose informed action, advocate for your foot health, get a comfortable pair of diabetic shoes, and step into a future where circulation flows freely and your feet carry you confidently for years to come.


If you have any additional questions on What Is PAD and How Can It Affect Your Feet?, visit our website or contact us at info@anodyneshoes.com.

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