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Summertime Berry Crisp

Posted by Lindsey Kanter, RDN on Aug 3, 2018 8:39:08 AM
Lindsey Kanter, RDN

Summertime Berry Crisp

Head to the farmer's market, grab fresh, juicy berries and make this summertime berry crisp with the crumble topping! Perfect treat for a summer BBQ!

Today is the last week of Anodyne Summer Recipe Edition! I hope you all enjoyed my recipes and tagging along in my kitchen the past few months. This last recipe screams SUMMER! I wanted an excuse to buy all the delicious berries from my local farmers market and mix up a healthier version of dessert. I recommend baking this dish and serving immediately with vanilla ice cream. 

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes

  • 1 lb (or 3 cups) fresh berries (of any sort!)

  • 1 Cup Almond Meal

  • ½ Cup Oats

  • ½ tsp. Cinnamon

  • ¼ tsp. Sea Salt

  • 3 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

  • 3 Tbsp. Honey

  • 2 Tbsp. Brown Sugar


1.  Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Grease an 8x8 baking dish. Then spread fresh berries evenly throughout the pan.

3. Combine all ingredients (aside from berries) in a mixing bowl. Using your hands, mix until you’ve reached a crumbly consistency.

4. Spread the crumbly consistency evenly on top of berries.

5. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until the summertime berry crisp is lightly browned on top.

6. Serve with  vanilla ice cream (vanilla bean is my favorite) on the side & ENJOY!


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