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Strawberries n' Cream Smoothie

Posted by Lindsey Kanter, RDN on Jul 27, 2018 8:57:35 AM
Lindsey Kanter, RDN

Strawberries n' Cream Smoothies

A delicious smoothie made with strawberries, banana, almond milk and yogurt for a protein boost. Option to include chia seeds for a healthy dose of omega-3!

Happy Fri-YAY!

We are just thattt close to the weekend…anyone else as excited as I am?! I am really looking forward to getting outside and enjoying the sun. Which is why I decided to feature a creamy and refreshing smoothie as the recipe for this week. Smoothies are not only great for convenience, but for fueling your body with healthy nutrients. If you’re looking for some added greens, don’t hesitate to add a handful or two of spinach. I promise you won’t even taste it!

A delicious smoothie made with strawberries, banana, almond milk and yogurt for a protein boost. Option to include chia seeds for a healthy dose of omega-3!

Prep Time: 3 minutes

  • ½ Cup Almond Milk
  • ½ Cup Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Cup Strawberries
  • 1 Banana
  • 1/2 Cup Ice
  • Optional: 1 Tbsp. Chia Seeds/Flax Seeds

       Topping Suggestions: Shredded Coconut, Cacao Nibs, Banana, and/or Drizzled Peanut Butter


1. Place all ingredients in a blender.

2. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

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Topics: Diabetes Blog, Diabetes Diet, Patient, Recipes

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