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Diabetic Greek Salad Recipe

Posted by Lindsey Kanter, RDN on Jul 20, 2018 9:34:06 AM
Lindsey Kanter, RDN

Greek Salad

This Diabetic Greek Salad can be used as a light meal or as a side dish when entertaining. 

Although I included the recipe, I recommend getting creative on your own. I am a firm believer in using recipes as a base, but always adding a bit of your own touch! For example, if you have some fresh herbs in the backyard or extra onion in the refrigerator, throw it in. Adding your own flare and experimenting makes at-home meals that much better.

If you’d like to make this salad more of a meal, try adding quinoa, mini potatoes, or grilled chicken. I can’t wait to hear what you think! 😊  

The Diabetes-Friendly Greek Salad can be used as a light meal or as a side dish when entertaining. Play around with it and add your own special touch!

Prep Time: 5 minutes

  • 1 Head Red-Leaf Lettuce, Chopped
  • 1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes, Halved

  • 1 Cucumber, Chopped

  • 1 Avocado, Sliced

  • 10 Kalamata Olives, Pitted 

  • 4 oz. Feta Cheese, Crumbled

  • Balsamic Dressing of Choice


1. Layer salad greens, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, and olives in a large mixing bowl or serving platter.

2. Sprinkle feta cheese lightly on top of the salad.

3. Serve with any balsamic dressing and enjoy!

This meal is so quick to make that you'll have plenty of time to slip on your diabetic shoes and do something active! If you'd like to learn more about our shoes, check out our website!

Topics: Diabetes Blog, Diabetes Diet, Patient, Recipes

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