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Avocado Toast

Posted by Lindsey Kanter, RDN on Jun 22, 2018 11:00:00 AM
Lindsey Kanter, RDN

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Do I have any avocado toast fans out there?!

Avocado toast is my favorite go-to meal or snack when I’m in a time crunch or feeling lazy in the kitchen. This is what I define as “fast food.” Fast food meaning a quick meal that satisfies cravings and is inexpensive! If you think about it, the cost to make this meal is less than anything you’d order at McDonald’s AND the time it takes to prepare the meal is less than making it past any commercial drive-thru. 

My point is, going through a drive-thru every now and then is OKAY! It is realistic for some of us and seems like the only option after a long day of work and carting your kids around. But, next time you’re at the grocery store, think twice. Grab those avocados and loaf of whole-wheat bread! It doesn’t need to be fancy, and if you’re not a tomato fan, scratch them. There are many other delicious avocado toast combinations and I’ll list some of my favorites below.

I don’t only love the taste of this meal (or snack!), but the nutrition for diabetics is unparalleled. Avocados are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats which boost brain and heart health. Avocados help lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels (HEY!), and support weight management.

Lindsey’s Favorite Combination’s

Scrambled Eggs + Feta Cheese

Fried Egg + Hot Sauce + Cilantro

Mixed Berries + Honey + Chia Seeds

Grilled Chicken + Pomegranate Seeds + Feta Cheese

Bacon + Jalapeño + Tomato

Avocado toast made with whole-wheat bread, avocado, tomatoes & drizzled balsamic. This toasted bread is bursting with flavor thanks to the ripe tomatoes and balsamic glaze. One of my favorite go-to’s for a quick breakfast, lunch, dinner or mid-day snack!

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook Time: 2 minutes

  • 2 slices of bread, toasted
  • 1 ripe avocado mashed
  • ½ cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 2 tsp balsamic vinegar glaze
  • Sea salt & pepper to taste


Toast the bread.

Mash the avocado and spread it on each slice.

Top with halved cherry tomatoes.

Drizzle balsamic glaze over the top. Sprinkle sea salt & pepper to taste.


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Topics: Diabetes Blog, Patient, Recipes

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