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DME MACs and Portals

Posted by Billy Kanter, CPED on Apr 5, 2020 9:25:00 AM
Billy Kanter, CPED
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DME Macs and Portals

Learn how and why to sign-up on the webpages that each of the DME MACs have setup to assist Podiatrists and DME suppliers!  



Sign up and take advantage of the webpages that each of the DME MACs have setup to assist Podiatrists and DME suppliers!  Both MACs, Noridian (jurisdiction A & D) and CGS (jurisdiction B & C) require registration to use the “portals”.   The MBI look up, IVR response, and Document Identification Tool are three useful tools.

Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP): Jurisdiction A, Jurisdiction D.  

CGS Medicare Portal (myCGS): Jurisdiction B, Jurisdiction C. 


Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) Look Up Tool- In the past, the HICN was based on an individual’s social security number.  Every individual with Medicare has been assigned an MBI and has been mailed a new Medicare card.  The MBI is confidential (similar to the SSN) and should be protected as Personally Identifiable Information.  The reason for the new MBI is to fight medical identity theft for individuals with Medicare. The MBI provides DPM/DME suppliers the information necessary for the telephone keypad portion of the IVR, which is based only on the information entered. Use this tool to convert the patient’s MBI to the corresponding numbers on your telephone key pad.  The Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) Lookup Tool is an option for providers/suppliers if they are not able to obtain the MBI from the patient.

Noridian DME: Jurisdiction A, D

CGS: Jurisdiction B, C


Medicare Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires providers to utilize the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System to check the status of claims.  The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system requires you to enter your patient’s name and Medicare number during the beneficiary validation process.  The IVR will validate the beneficiary information.

Noridian: Jurisdictions A, D

CGS: Jurisdictions B, C-   To use the IVR, please call: 877.299.7900


Documentation Identification Tool- CGS has created the Documentation Identification Tool to assist you in submitting the different types of documentation needed to support your claim. Simply select the type of documentation you are submitting from our list of items below. Then print the pre-designed divider sheet and place it in front of the document(s) that will be submitted for review.

The documentation identification tool standardizes the process so you no longer need to create your own divider sheets for your documentation.

If you have absolutely any questions on DME MACs and portals, don't hesitate to email info@anodyneshoes.com or call 1-844-637-4637. Or if you have any questions on our orthopedic shoes, please reach out!

Topics: Diabetic Shoes, Medicare Paperwork, Practitioner

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