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How To Prevent Bunions

Posted by Lindsey Kanter, RDN on Jun 20, 2018 9:00:00 AM
Lindsey Kanter, RDN

I’m guessing if you are reading this post, you may have a bunion, family history of bunions or could be concerned with your feet in someway. For many of us, we may have conditions in which we were bound to eventually enduring bunion surgery. Although for others, you can incorporate one small change to avoid potential bunion surgery!

Best Shoes for Bunions

Billy Kanter, Certified Pedorthist, mentions bunion surgery may be avoided by wearing properly fitted shoes early on in life. Even if you already have bunions, it doesn't mean it is too late! For bunions specifically, it is important to focus on correct fit to the width of your foot and toes. This means if you feel the front sides of the shoes with your toes, the fit is too tight. Billy emphasizes the importance of avoiding this common issue because pinching of your toes may lead to future foot problems in addition to bunions. If you have suffered from calluses, hammer toes, or dead toe nails, the issue may stem from shoes that are simply too tight! download

On the bright side, this is a small fix that can alleviate day-to-day pain you may be experiencing. I'm sure we have all encountered our shoes rubbing and assumed it may be from walking too long or standing on your feet for x number of hours at a time. Although, this (again!) can be avoided by shoes that fit your foot properly.  Thankfully, just because you may suffer from bunions, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stay away from specific shoe styles (e.g. ballet flats) like the plague. “It is not the type of shoe you’re wearing, but how the shoe fits” Billy explained.

If you haven’t already noticed, Anodyne shoe’s come in multiple different widths to accommodate and avoid bunions. The comfort we desire (and in some cases need) is unique to each of us. At Anodyne, we believe that you deserve shoes that will meet your comfort and style needs, and allow you to maintain an active, healthy and productive lifestyle. 

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Born and raised in the emergent city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Anodyne represents the core of an age-old Midwestern culture – pride, dedication and hard work. We’re a group of designers, fit experts, pedorthists, and most importantly, a group of friends that share a common goal.

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